Jake & Sydney

Jake & Sydney
Married almost 10 years - Jake is a baker and Sydney is a newborn photographer.

Beckham {8}

Beckham {8}

Holden {6}

Holden {6}

Piper {3}

Piper {3}

Palmer {8.25.14}

Palmer {8.25.14}



This is such a cool word. I never knew what it meant until
I looked it up at www.dictionary.com.
On my mommy boards, there is a place in the profiles
that you can change your mood... I've picked "quixotic"
before (even though I didn't know what
it meant) because it's always seemed like
such an awesome word. Come on, you know you think
it is! Quixotic. Just the Q makes it awesome!
What does it mean, I am sure you are wondering...
well... the definiton of "quixotic" (an adjective) according to this website is:

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) resembling or befitting Don Quixote.
2. extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical, or impracticable.
3. impulsive and often rashly unpredictable.

So... yeah. That's "QUIXOTIC".

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