Jake & Sydney

Jake & Sydney
Married almost 10 years - Jake is a baker and Sydney is a newborn photographer.

Beckham {8}

Beckham {8}

Holden {6}

Holden {6}

Piper {3}

Piper {3}

Palmer {8.25.14}

Palmer {8.25.14}


rAnDoM hApPeNiNgS iN tHe BuRnSiDe HoUsEhOlD (June 2010)

There is so much I could say, and I am sure this post will be super long, but if I don't try to keep it short and simple, it will never get published... so here goes. Deep breath!

First and foremost, Jake and I are going through the temple! For the very first time! We're going to have all of our sessions done on the same day, Saturday, July 3rd starting at 11:30 for the endowment and 1:30 for our sealing. We're very excited for this special day. Less than a week from today! We're going through the Seattle Washington Temple. It's a 45-minute ferry ride plus a little ways, from Bremerton to the temple. Jake and I are so very blessed to have family that are able to come go through with us, on the very special day that we're able to be sealed for time and all eternity. I can't wait! We're so very excited to see everybody that's traveling from Utah.

Jake's mom and dad: Grandma Linda & Grandpa Carey Burnside

Jake's sister Jamie, her husband Jaren, & their adorable kiddos

Jake's older brother Mat & his wife, Becky

Our dearest friends, James & Jelli Black

We're so grateful that they're able to come and share this special day with our family. :)

We have added a new addition to our family too: another furbaby. :)

Introducing, Maddie Mae:

Maddie is an English Mastiff & Labrador cross, she's a Mastador. :) She's a cuddly, 76 pound wanna-be-lap-dog. We love her to death and she has seriously helped Buddy the psychotic Beagle calm down immensely. She's a great addition to our family. :)

The boys are getting as big as ever! Beckham is 4 1/2 and Holden will be 21 months old on the 14th of July! Where did the year go?! Holden has a gigantic vocabulary now too, including:

"B" for Binky

He can mimic some animals too. Tiger - scary animal - dog - snake - kitty

Beckham is a brilliant little man, and he's busy as ever. He loves playing outside. Collecting rocks and seashells are two of his favorite things to do. He loves to play the Wii! He's such a great big brother and takes  great care of Holden. He knows the alphabet and can almost spell his name! :)

Washington is beautiful at any time of the year, but it's wonderful to have a lack of rain and warm enough weather for us to be able to play outside! The sun is wonderful, since it's been in hiatus since October. :) There is so much to do in our area, and although a lot of stuff to do costs a bit, most of the stuff is worth it and very new and exciting to our family.


  1. I'm so happy for you guys! Such an exciting thing for your family. From here on out, whenever you have the opportunity to go to a sealing, you should go. You will get something new every time.

  2. i love reading about your little family! i'm glad you're enjoying washington...i keep hoping to get up there to see you sometime!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderful news! How exciting!

  4. we are so excited for you guys, congrats on getting sealed that is so exciting. Good luck with the pregnancy and have fun in washington.
