We took Holden to my old work (Kiddie Kandids) to get his very first professional pictures taken! He is 5 weeks old. We did Beckham's @ Kiddie Kandids too, when he was 6 weeks. We'll go back next week to do some Christmas pics of the two of them, but for now, here are Holden's 5 week pictures! They turned out adorable!
So, this year was fun, we went to quite a few houses, Beckham loved the whole concept of knocking on the door/ringing the doorbell and getting candy! He was so polite, saying "Candy please!" and "Thank you so, so much!" at each and every house. It was cute! He was a cowboy this year, and Holden was a play-doh guy.... those ones where you twist the seat and their hair grows. (I will have to post a link just in case people don't know what I'm talking about.) Anyways, here's a few pics. I wish we had a better one of the two of them, but we don't. :(
Holden, our hair-growin' play-doh man:
Beckham, the rootin', tootin' cowboy:
The only shot we got of the two of them. (I guess I should always check the camera when it's Jake taking the pics!)
Our first house:
And some bonus (aka: not Halloween themed) shots because Holden will be 3 weeks old tomorrow!
He's getting such strong neck muscles!
Snoozing on the office chair:
Visiting Dad's work:
His "I'm annoyed with being on my tummy" face:
Hanging out on the couch before his bath: My new absolute favorite picture of the little munchkin:
Watch for another post with some hilarious pics of Beckham! I feel pretty bad, because it seems like I never take pictures of him anymore! :( Bad mom award my way...