Hooray! We're flying from Salt Lake City tomorrow afternoon, to O'Hare Airport in Chicago! The day has finally come! Just a few more days and we get to see Jake! What a long and lonesome 9 weeks this has been! I can't wait to get to the airport and fly. Beckham has only been on an airplane once, when he was 5 months old, but the circumstances were much lower spirits then (a friend passed away in a car accident). So now, it is with so much anxiety, excitement, joy that we're finally going to see Jake! My handsome sailor of a hubby! I cannot flippin wait! I will be tweetin' as the trip goes, so make sure you stay updated with me that way! :)
Wish me luck, as much as you can spare, I think 2 kids, 1 stroller, 2 car seats, 3 suitcases, a camera bag, and my purse is about hitting my max for amount of limbs that are able to be used to hold onto the stuff and prevent my stroller-jumping-sassafrass-of-a-three-year-old from running away.